Ped-Zone sign for pedestrian crossovers

Ped-Zone sign for pedestrian crossovers

Substantially increase drivers’ yielding behaviour!

The in-street Ped-Zone™ sign for pedestrian crossovers substantially increases the effectiveness of your pedestrian crossovers.

Set up in the middle of the street, the sign greatly increases the visibility of pedestrian crossovers and reminds drivers to yield to pedestrians setting foot on a pedestrian crossover.

Moreover, installing a Ped-Zone™ sign for pedestrian crossovers in the middle of the street creates an obstacle that narrows the street and forces vehicles to slow down.

This combined effect of increased visibility and speed reduction results in a substantial increase in yielding behaviour by drivers.

Flexible Pedestrian crossover sign - Town of Milton, ON
Flexible pedestrian crossover sign - City of Ottawa

When struck by a vehicle, the Ped-Zone™ sign folds up on impact and then returns to its initial position. It is the only sign that can withstand direct wheel impact at 80 km/h from different types of vehicles (buses, firetrucks, trucks, cars, etc.).

Its unique asphalt anchoring system is designed for Canadian winters. With four anchors and a specially formulated epoxy resin, it features a very strong anchoring system that can be used for several years. It also provides for easy removal of the signs in the fall (if required) and easy reinstallation the following spring.

Technical Information

In-street pedestrian R1-6 sign
Flexible RA-8 sign - Transportation Association of Canada

Technical information

  • Overall Height: 122 cm
  • Width: 32.4 cm
  • Thickness: 0.3 cm
  • Fibreglass board
  • Rubber / steel base with 4 holes
  • Anchors for installation included (for concrete or asphalt). Bitu-LinkTM epoxy (for asphalt) not included
  • Width of the Reflective Sheeting: 30.5 cm
  • Height of the Reflective Sheeting : 94 cm
  • Reflective Sheeting fixed on both sides
  • Anti Graffiti Protection Film included


  • Available colours of the reflective sheeting: White, yellow, yellow-green, fluorescent yellow, red, blue and green
  • Ability to display a custom message
  • Ability to include a custom logo


Installation – Asphalt

Simply drill four holes (Diameter: ¾ inch, Depth: 4 inches), inject Bitu-Link™ epoxy, insert anchors and wait 24 hours until the epoxy has hardened. The sign is then fastened with four bolts. This fastening method, which is perfectly suited for asphalt pavement, allows for the signs to be removed each fall (if required) and easily reinstalled the following spring.

Installation – Concrete

Simply drill four holes (Diameter: ½ inch, Depth: 1 3/4 inch), insert drop-in anchors and hammer them with a punch. The sign is then fastened with four bolts. This fastening method, which is perfectly suited for concrete allows for the signs to be removed each fall (if needed) and easily reinstalled the following spring.